Crop biosecurity: Containment and eradication of invasive pathogens

Text - scientific article/review article


Introduction of all exotic pathogen may pose a threat to a country's agricultural, economy and trade. Therefore, the main goal when new pathogen is detected is its ultimate eradication. Successful eradication of invasive pathogen involves a concerted complex of detection, risk assessment, adoption of the appropriate strategy, and careful execution of all the control procedures. Successful eradication relies oil preparedness, i.e. rapid response and the use of the appropriate strategy. Adoption of the strategies to eliminate an invasive pathogen depends oil realistic assessment of the effectiveness of the various approaches, and the feasibility for their success. A quantitative assessment of all the factors that influence the eradication process can lead to the adoption of all appropriate eradication approach and strategy. However, other considerations may influence the selection of the most appropriate strategies and measures.


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  • Xylella fastidiosa