Incidence of Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al on plum and peach in Alabama

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Alabama cooperative extension personnel in 22 of the 67 counties responded to a request for peach and plum twig/leaf samples to be tested for X. fastidiosa, the causal organism of phony peach and plum leaf scald. Enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay results indicated that 14% of peach and 12%, of plum samples were positive. The highest incidence of the pathogen was in Mobile County with 44% of the samples testing positive. Additionally, two plum variety trials were sampled at Shorter in Macon County and Thorsby in Chilton County. All of the cultivars at Shorter and 37.5%, of the cultivars at Thorsby had assay results significantly higher than uninfected seedlings. Trees in the Shorter and Thorsby trials were also rated visually, with 'AU-Producer' having the lowest average rating of 0.4 on a 0-5 scale.


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  • Xylella fastidiosa